About Molecular Hemp
The Farm to Bottle Advantage
Not all CBD oils are created equal
Our full spectrum CBD and MCT Oil Tincture:
- Organically grown on small farms in Kentucky
- A full spectrum product containing natural constituents in hemp that work together with CBD
- Grown under strict conditions to guarantee predictable levels of CBD
- Made with no toxic solvents
We are proud to work with some of the best hemp farmers in the country to bring you a product you can trust.
Molecular Hemp is our all natural line of hemp derived products. The primary ingredients for our products are organically grown by a small group of Kentucky farmers focused on sustainable agronomics, growing certified, internationally pedigreed seed. The result is a consistent, quality product, grown and processed with love by 7th generation Kentucky hemp farmers.
All Molecular Hemp CBD products are all natural, pesticide free and non-GMO; grown with sustainable agricultural practices and processed in an FDA registered food processing facility.
Molecular Hemps Full Spectrum Hemp Extract delivers whole food phytonutrients such as phytocannabinoids, terpenes and essential fatty acids.
The molecular level, scientific formulation of these products ensures that our CBD and other hemp derived products provide maximum value and effect.
So, how do we make a full spectrum product that contains a predictable level of CBD?
We combine an ancient method with modern technology.
If you look at really old herbal texts from China, you will see that Chinese herbalists traditionally harvested plants from very particular places at very particular times of year and prepared them according to detailed instructions. Today, we are beginning to see that there are sound pharmacological reasons for doing things this way. (Fruehauf n.d.)
We aren’t growing our hemp by ancient Chinese methods, but we are using some of the same principles in a more modern way. We work with a small number of farmer in one region of Kentucky, and they all plant the same seeds in soil with the same characteristics in places with the same client, tend them in the same ways, and harvest them at the same time. This gives us predictable results, which are confirmed with laboratory testing, so you can get the benefits of a full spectrum supplement and still get a predictable level of CBD in every bottle you buy.
Kentucky Hemp
Our full spectrum CBD extracts are made from organic hemp carefully grown under optimal conditions by small farmers in Kentucky’s “Bluegrass Region.” The farmers we work with combine the best in modern techniques and Kentucky tradition to produce a superior crop.
The hills of Kentucky offer the perfect growing conditions for hemp. Agricultural historian, James Hopkins, wrote in 1951 that:
“Hemp will grow after a fashion in almost every region of the United States, [. . .]but its successful cultivation for commercial purposes depends largely on a favorable climate and on fertile soil. An abundant rainfall, coming fairly regularly during the growing season, is desirable since the rapidly developing plants require a large amount of moisture.” (Hopkins 1951)
Kentucky’s rich soil, long growing season, and temperate climate make it the perfect place to grow the plant.
Kentucky farmers have been growing hemp since the 1700’s. During World War II, Kentucky supplied the U.S. military with most of the hemp it used to make rope, fabric, and parachutes – like the one that saved the life of future President George Herbert Walker Bush when he had to jump from a burning plane over the Pacific.. (Lee 2019, Quarles 2018, Fine 2014.)

The U.S. government banned hemp cultivation in 1970, but in December 2014 it became legal again. In Kentucky, a state that has been hit hard by declines in the tobacco industry, going back to cultivating one of the state’s traditional crops is giving farmers the opportunity to be part of creating healthy, sustainable products. (Lee 2019)
The hemp flowers we use in our tinctures come from a handful of farmers selected because their hemp meets our rigorous standards. We know exactly when, where, and how the hemp flowers in every batch of CBD oil we sell were grown and harvested.